Practice the Major Arcana
Which tarot card matches the description?
Click on the card that matches the following description:
Major Arcana

Innocence, spontaneity, new adventures. This card represents embarking on a new journey or trying something new with an open mind.

Power, skill, potential. The card symbolizes the ability to turn ideas into reality through power and focus.

Intuition, secrets, hidden knowledge. This card is about trusting your intuition and seeking answers within.

Motherhood, abundance, fertility. The card stands for nurturing and creative energy, as well as growth and flourishing.

Authority, structure, stability. This card represents order, control, and leadership.

Tradition, learning, spiritual guidance. The card is about following traditions and seeking guidance from spiritual or moral authorities.

Relationships, choices, harmony. It symbolizes important decisions in relationships and the harmony that can arise from the right choices.

Victory, control, determination. The card speaks of overcoming obstacles through willpower and self-discipline.

Courage, self-discipline, patience. This card represents inner strength and the ability to face challenges with patience.

Introspection, solitude, spiritual search. The card is about withdrawing and reflecting on the deeper meaning of life.

Change, destiny, cyclical patterns. It symbolizes life’s constant changes and how things move in cycles.

Justice, truth, consequences. The card stands for balance and fairness, and receiving what is deserved based on past actions.

Sacrifice, perspective, acceptance. This card is about giving up something to gain deeper understanding or a new perspective.

Transformation, endings, new beginnings. This card represents the end of a phase and the beginning of something new, often through necessary change.

Balance, patience, harmony. The card symbolizes harmony through moderation and finding a middle path.

Materialism, limitations, temptations. The card is about being trapped in negative patterns or material temptations.

Sudden changes, chaos, upheaval. This card symbolizes unexpected events that shake the foundation of your life.

Hope, inspiration, healing. The card stands for optimism and healing after difficult times.

Illusions, fear, subconscious emotions. This card is about navigating uncertainty and confronting inner fears.

Success, happiness, clarity. The card symbolizes joy, vitality, and clarity in life’s situations.

Awakening, self-reflection, judgment. It stands for a time of self-reflection and judging past actions to grow as a person.

Completion, achievement, wholeness. The card represents the closing of a major cycle and feeling complete or fulfilled.
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