Free Online Tarot Readings

Tarot Trainer

I created the Tarot Trainer to make it easy for you to practice all tarot cards. It is divided into different difficulty levels, with the most challenging exercise containing all 78 tarot cards. However, this is not something you should start with, so feel free to divide the exercises according to the suggestions below.

Practice Major Arcana (22 cards in the form of archetypes)

Practice Cups Suit (14 cards, part of Minor Arcana)

Practice Pentacles Suit (14 cards, part of Minor Arcana)

Practice Wands Suit (14 cards, part of Minor Arcana)

Practice Swords Suit (14 cards, part of Minor Arcana)

Practice Minor Arcana (56 cards)

Practice All Tarot Cards (78 cards, complete knowledge test)

Remember that tarot is a process of learning and deepening. Start at your own pace and gradually build up your knowledge. By practicing regularly, you will develop a deeper understanding of the symbolism and meanings of the cards.

Good luck on your tarot journey!

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