Swords in Tarot
The Swords suit in tarot is about our intellect and thoughts. Swords reflect how we handle conflicts, challenges, and decisions through our mental abilities. When Swords appear in a tarot reading, they often point to questions of communication, ideas, and truth. But Swords can also reveal our internal struggles, where we sometimes create chaos in our own minds or when we try to understand and navigate the complexities of the world.
Swords show that our thoughts can be both our greatest weapon and our biggest obstacle. It’s about finding the balance between being clear-headed and not letting ourselves be overwhelmed by our own mind.
The Tarot Cards in the Swords Suit and Their Meanings
Click on a card to read its meaning.

Examples of How Swords Can Be Interpreted in Various Spreads
Three-Card Spread: Betrayal in Love
- Past: Two of Cups
A time of deep and mutual love. Two souls who found each other and created a beautiful balance. A union that felt unbreakable. - Present: Three of Swords
The love that was once strong has been shattered, and the Three of Swords cuts straight through the heart. This card symbolizes the pain of a broken trust or an unexpected betrayal. The swords through the heart show how thoughts and memories constantly pierce the mind, and each time they resurface, they hurt just as much as the first time. The drama here lies in the wounds created by the mental repetition of the event – a heartache that plays over and over again. - Future: The Star
Despite the pain of the Three of Swords, The Star suggests that hope remains. The spread indicates that after the sorrow comes a period of healing. Inner strength and the ability to recover from the brutal pain slowly start to shine through. This is a reminder that even after the darkest moments, we can find our way toward the light.
Five-Card Spread: Internal Struggles
- Past: Six of Wands
A time of victory and personal triumph. Past battles were overcome, and a sense of pride and recognition was present. You felt like a leader, someone others looked up to. - Present: Nine of Swords
Beneath the surface, however, lies the anxiety that the Nine of Swords represents. These are the sleepless nights, the constant thoughts that churn and refuse to rest. Here, the internal struggles take over, and the triumph you once felt has turned into self-doubt. The swords symbolize the prison of thoughts, how you turn over your failures or fears. The pain is mental and emotional – a battle no one else sees. - Obstacle: Four of Pentacles
A sense of holding onto the past, whether it’s material or emotional assets. The fear of change causes you to cling to what has been, even if it no longer serves you. - Advice: Two of Swords
A choice must be made, but the mind is divided. The Two of Swords urges you to confront what you are avoiding. Instead of hiding behind indecision, you must face the internal conflicts head-on. The swords here reflect the inner tug-of-war – thinking your way toward a solution but still being unable to choose a path. - Future: Ten of Pentacles
Despite the current anxiety, there is a promise of stability and security ahead. After weathering the mental storms, the Ten of Pentacles suggests that a time of wealth and safety awaits. What once caused worry will be resolved, providing a foundation for long-term success.
Four-Card Cross Spread: Inner Balance
- Situation: Two of Swords
The Two of Swords reflects an internal conflict. You are facing a choice but are emotionally detached, as if you refuse to see the truth. The two crossed swords signal that your thoughts are blocking your ability to see clearly. You are in a position where you need to make a decision but are afraid of the consequences. - Challenge: The Devil
Attachments to the material or destructive behaviors make the choice even harder. The Devil symbolizes here the addictions or emotional traps that hold you down. Perhaps you are avoiding the decision because you fear losing something – control, status, or even a part of yourself. - Advice: Seven of Swords
The Seven of Swords warns of deception, but also self-deception. You may be trying to fool yourself into avoiding the truth. This card advises you to be honest with yourself and others. Holding back or hiding your true intentions will only lead to more conflict and confusion. It’s time to be brave and face the truth, no matter how uncomfortable it is. - Future: Ten of Swords
Despite all the pain and uncertainty the Swords have caused in this spread, the Ten of Swords represents a form of closure. Though it appears as final defeat, it is also a reminder that every end leads to a new beginning. Ten swords mark that the worst is over – after you confront your fears and make your choice, you will be able to rise again, stronger and wiser than before.
These examples show how the energy of the Swords can shape and influence a spread, where the power of thought and internal battles often play a central role.
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