About Tarotify.ai
Tarotify.ai is an advanced version of MyAITarot.com, originally created to explore the potential of AI to solve everyday problems, using tarot as a chosen example area. After surpassing expectations and popularity (MyAITarot.com received top ratings on ThereIsAnAIForThat.com in the tarot category), Tarotify.ai has been refined with expanded functionality and improved design to make exploring and interpreting tarot cards even better.
The platform is designed to help users explore and interpret symbols and patterns in an accessible way, whether it is for personal insights or pure entertainment. Choose whether you want to draw tarot directly online or interpret your own homemade spread effectively for different numbers of cards and themes, with or without a question.
Tarotify.ai is currently translated into 40 languages and is completely free. I hope you enjoy the result.
I am Simon Nyström, the creator of the website, and you can reach me by sending an email to the address below (click):
Company information
Next Lead Sweden AB
Org: 556497-6735
Manhemsgatan 3
931 34 Skellefteå